Abood v. Detroit Board of Education

The legal issue addressed in the 1977 Supreme Court case Abood v. Detroit Board of Education was whether agency shop clauses violate the constitutional rights of government employees...

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Chicago Teachers Union, Local No. 1 v. Hudson

Chicago Teachers Union, Local No. 1 v. Hudson (1986) was significant for school labor relations...

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Collective Bargaining

The term collective bargaining refers to contractual negotiations between employers and groups of employees to determine specific conditions of employment.

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Davenport v. Washington Education Association

In a unanimous 9-to-0 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Davenport v. Washington Education Association (2007), ruled that states do not violate the First Amendment in requiring public sector labor unions to obtain the formal permission of nonunion member employees before spending their fair-share or agency shop fees on politically related expenses, including campaigns and elections.

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