National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Gender and Title IX

2012-10-31 03:02:44 by admin

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Background

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Academic Reform

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Indian Mascots

Congress approved Title IX of The Educational Amendments of 1972, and President Richard M. Nixon signed the statute into law, on June 23, 1972. On July 21, 1975, Congress reviewed and approved Title IX regulations. Title IX requires educational institutions to maintain policies, practices, and programs that do not discriminate against anyone based on sex. Under this law, males and females are expected to receive fair and equal treatment in all arenas of public schooling: recruitment, admissions, educational programs and activities, course offerings and access, scholarships, sexual harassment, and athletics. In the area of athletics, compliance with Title IX is evaluated on three issues: athletic financial assistance, accommodation of athletic interests and abilities, and other program areas.

When the regulations were adopted, high schools and colleges were given three years, and elementary schools one year, to comply. On February 17, 1976, the NCAA challenged the legality of Title IX. In 1978, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare issued a formal policy on Title IX and intercollegiate athletics for notice and comment. July 21, 1978, was the deadline for all high schools and colleges to have policies and practices in place that complied with Title IX athletic requirements.