Acceptable Use Policies

Acceptable use policies (AUPs) are sets of rules, regulations, rights, and responsibilities adopted by school officials...

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Assistive Technology

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) (2005), assistive technology (AT) is any device or item, purchased off the shelf or customized...

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Distance Learning

Among the numerous definitions for distance learning, three in particular stand out.

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Electronic Communication

The growth of the personal computer industry and the Internet has ushered in an “information age,” characterized by individual empowerment and the flattening of geographical and temporal barriers to communication and collaboration.

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Electronic Document Retention

The infusion of technology into schooling presents an emerging issue for educational officials at all levels. Electronic documents, or e-documents, encompass the entire range of digitized or electronically generated information.

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Global Positioning System (GPS) Tracking

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is the name for the U.S. global navigation satellite system. Originally created for use by the military, GPS is now appearing in a number of educational, institutional, and consumer products.

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Internet Content Filtering

Internet content filtering uses software programs, available since the mid-1990s, that filter or restrict the amount and/or type of content that users have access to when surfing the Internet.

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Acceptable Use Policies

Acceptable use policies (AUPs) are sets of behavioral expectations or rules adopted by college and university officials that are designed to regulate the conduct of those who use institutionally provided computer resources.

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Assistive Technology

Assistive technology refers to the use of technologicaldevices and situational modifications byor for individuals with disabilities to enable themto improve or maintain their functional capabilities.

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Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), enacted in 1998 and effective in 2000, updated federal copyright law to meet the demands of the electronic age, particularly with regard to copyright infringement on the Internet.

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Distance Learning

Distance learning is defined as any formal instructional approach in which the majority of instruction occurs when educators and students are not in the physical presence of one another.

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