National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Academic Reform

2012-10-31 03:04:44 by admin

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Background

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Gender and Title IX

National Collegiate Athletic Association: Key Policies Indian Mascots

In April, 2004, the NCAA Division I Management Council approved the academic reform package. This program, commonly referred to as the incentives/ disincentives program, is designed to punish institutions and teams that fail to demonstrate commitment toward the academic progress, retention, and graduation of student-athletes. This program forces institutions to submit annual documentation demonstrating compliance with a minimum academic progress rate, which will be determined after the collection of data during the academic year. The program includes measurements that account for variances in institutional mission, sport, culture, and gender while holding institutions accountable for their academic progress. Institutions or teams that excel academically are recognized, while those failing to meet established minimums are penalized through a loss of athletic scholarships and eligibility to play in sanctioned NCAA postseason venues such as bowl games and national championships.